1 1/2 till takeoff!

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It’s about that time where I pack up after three weeks at home, and head off, only this time not straight to Ghana. I’ll be in Europe with my friends and family (blog post coming soon about that) It felt so strange to walk past the flight boarding Accra, part of me wanting to just jump on, but in two weeks time I’ll be flying back to Africa.

Being here at JFK setting off for another summer away with so many new adventures it makes me reminisce about leaving and setting off for Ghana last year jumping into so many unknowns, and trusting God to take me through it all! side note- he did! as he always will, even when we doubt and have fear, he never fails to take us through!

As I sit here I still feel as if this summer holds so many unknowns, which holds within itself a new journey and a new adventure that I am excited about

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” Ephesians 3:20

A year ago I started this blog, unsure of what I’d be writing about, how often I’d use it, or who would come along this journey with me, or be reading on the other side of the screen. And then an hour until takeoff I wrote this…. a blog post of everything I was feeling jumping into the great unknown boarding that flight with my dad

To read or look back on that post click here  

Somewhere along the lines I started to love “blogging” and reading about other people’s experiences all around the world and connecting with so many new friends.

I got to connect with people living all over the world who have felt a strong burden on their hearts for orphans, particularly in Africa. I’ve spoken to some of you with dreams of starting a non-profit, and have been invited on other adventures occurring all around the world.

And it inspires me. So much.

To hear from you, to hear your dreams and read along with you, feeling like I was in Asia, East Africa or other parts of the world with you through your posts.

My first blog post was called “Home” about a year ago I was packing my bags to head off to Europe to explore 5 countries with 4 of my best friends. Then I came home unpacked and started putting my life back into a suitcase this time for the big move, to Africa, not knowing how long I’d be there.

to read that first blog click here

Where is home for you? I’d love to know! Comment down below 🙂

My first blog post I talked about home. What exactly that word meant to me, and looking back on it, I feel the same way. Home becomes the people you are surrounded that make “a place” become “a home.” And now a year post starting my blog I’m back where I started yet everything has changed. I leave today for Europe (my best friends the same 4 girls are coming next week) and and after I’ll  be heading back to Africa for a busy and exciting summer of new experiences as God is continuing to take me places I’d never imagine going.

It’s amazing what 365 days can do. What you can learn from them, how you have full circle moments of relearning the same lessons you have in new contexts and situations.

so many lessons. the good, the bad and the ugly, they are still lessons, and God will never stop using them for OUR GOOD!

So cheers to one year on the blog, and many more sharing adventures, stories, lessons good and bad, sharing God’s story and connecting with many more awesome and inspiring people. I look forward to so much this summer!


Hopefully I’ll have time to blog about what my next two weeks will look like and why it is so exciting/special to me personally and how awesome God has been through it all.

Next stop Greece!

You are all loved,


4 thoughts on “1 1/2 till takeoff!

  1. Thank you for giving us insight into how PNN is growing and changing lives. I recently heard the song “Home” by Phillip Phillips and its lyrics made me think of this past year in Ghana and God’s presence during this work:

    Hold on to me as we go
    As we roll down this unfamiliar road
    And although this wave, wave is stringing us along

    Just know you’re not alone
    ‘Cause I’m gonna make this place your home

    Settle down, it’ll all be clear
    Don’t pay no mind to the demons
    They fill you with fear
    The trouble—it might drag you down
    If you get lost, you can always be found

    Just know you’re not alone
    ‘Cause I’m gonna make this place your home

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, we continue to pray that God’s will be done and his story will keep being told and experienced by our children!

      As for the song, it is one of my favorites! I like listening to it when I fly back to Ghana or in the car driving back to the project. Interesting that it came to mind for you as well 🙂


  2. I’m amazed at all the volunteering work you’ve done in Ghana! My parents were born and raised in Ghana, so I’m full Ghanaian. But I was born and raised in the U.K.! Going to Ghana this summer and I am so excited. Love your blog btw!

    Liked by 1 person

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